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Rumors from upon the Jade Arhipelago says that Captain Geneviv was born by the creatures of the Cursed Isles and brang as a spy to their Arhipelago. However, Captain Geneviv, female, maybe the strongest among them, sworn to protect "The Three": Triple (her best friend, the brave Triple, Wolfs, her soulmate and of course herself. Still, the golden ages of her rule upon the seas came to a sunset. Geneviv is not the one she was, but while she will be alive, she will never run from a fight, and she will always fight among her teammates to defeat the misteries of Atlantis, Skelletons and Zombies, among with the cursed Brigdant Kings. Her story is long. But people gossip. Thats a version: After she was brought to Jade Arhipelago she was recruited by a new Crew, whom name is not known. After that, relativly shortly after that, she created the crew Eden, already becoming a very promising young Captain. The Eden crew was a total succes. Reached place #17 in 2 weeks, even less. But after that, the tragedy started. All the SO's exept her brave Triple, her best friend, who was there all the time, left the crew to join one where they got paid for it. Eden became rusty. It eventually became out of any hopes, so Captain Geneviv decided not to let it fall and see it dieing, but prefered to merge it with a crew, powerfull one, One Last Sunrise. She joined that crew once with the merging. There be only 3 days that she stayed there, than she joined Ctr Alt Elite crew ruled by an old friend of her, Arthurius and his gorgeous wife, LindyLoo. There she met Wolfs, her actual soulmate. They felt in love and they're together since than. Shortly after joining, powerefull strong woman, Geneviv decided to create another crew. Together We Stand, this time the captain had to be Wolfs, her lover, so she will claim the title of Princess in the Neptune's Voyagers Flag, the flag of the other royality, Hbomb, ruler of One Last Sunrise in which Eden merged. The crew stayed small, but active and powerfull beacous it was strong. The crew still wonders upon the seas...

--Geneviv 22:56, 7 February 2009 (UTC)