
From YPPedia

AgentSubZero was born March 18, 2008 on Sakejima Island. He moved around a lot for about 1 sex then he was invited into Vixens Pride. However, she came back on November 1 and pillaged with Still of the Night. Beermann, Lordsage, and Scruffydabum can take credit for recruiting was made officer on November 12 before becoming fleet officer on December 12.I want to became a senior officer in Sea Change. He immensely enjoyed making friends of everyone in her crew. Even though now she is in a different crew his heart in many ways still belongs to Still of the Night and Sea Change no matter what others might say.

On July 2, 2007, Agent Lost a lot of his accounts to further his piratey career by creating a new crew together with Bluehornet and Lordsage. After only 3 weeks of creating New Dawn Bluehornet disappeared again leaving Rj to fend for the crew by herself! She took over the captaincy after waiting for his friends to come back and now she hopes to realize his dream in bring this new crew to the top of the fame list and by being a force to be reckoned with on Viridian Ocean in the near future!

You can still find Agent lurking around the ocean Bored. If you happen to see me make sure you say hi. Agent Enjoys Rumbling.