Template talk:Map:Pearl Archipelago (Indigo)

From YPPedia

I'm pretty sure both the Ostreum-Zeta and Zeta-Nuptial route difficulties are significantly lower than the Ostreum-Wrasse and Nuptial-Luthien interarches. I often get blue brigands spawned on those two, while the interarches will always spawn at least green. Also, Zeta-Cleo's is about equal with the interarches, not significantly harder, while Cleo's-O'Reilly is indeed about equal with some of the Ruby routes. -- Blinkoing

I took the route difficulties from Diamondblade's map, which could very well be inaccurate. If you spot an error, you can go ahead and fix it using the following steps:
  1. Once you're editing the page, skip all the scary coding and look for the <!--(comment)--> that shows the route difficulty you want to change.
  2. You can then change "gold" to whatever color you feel is appropriate; there's a list of the standard route difficulty colors at Template talk:Chart#Route coloring standards
Hope that helps! – Yaten talk 06:21, 15 August 2005 (PDT)