Template talk:Economy diagram link box

From YPPedia

Yikes. It appears that it used to be possible to put a div in a link target. With the update to the new mediawiki software a while back, this broke (assuming it ever worked). This template is being used to effectively make an imagemap out of Faulkston's economy diagram. It's clever, and I'd like to see it work again, if possible. If not, it'd be a pity, but we should probably remove the code from the article (it'd still be available in the history) and remove this template. :/ --AtteSmythe 19:08, 8 November 2006 (PST)

The image map worked great before. It was a lot of editing to position all the boxes, so it's a little disappointing that it does not work after the software upgrade. Evidently whichever feature I was relying on was undocumented. -- Faulkston 19:56, 8 November 2006 (PST)
Who's yer daddy? --AtteSmythe 21:01, 8 November 2006 (PST)
Could be Cleaver or Nemo. Thanks for fixing the template! -- Faulkston 21:06, 8 November 2006 (PST)