Talk:The Wandering Riddler

From YPPedia

I have this Event, and I want to post it, but i need to format this to be wiki freindly:

I have two different types of rules, each with variations. They are:

Rule Set 1:

The contestant is randomly approached anywhere on the ocean. They are asked if they want to participate, and if they know what to do.

Yes: Start giving them riddles as to: Who am I (Riddles about a Pirate) What am I (Riddles about an Item) Where am I (Riddles about a Place.

No: Rules will be explained, and they will be asked if they want to play. If they do, then ridlles stated in Yes are given.

They can pull out at any point, and they may play without any record of playing being taken.

Rule Set 2:

The contestant must have put their name down as a player. To stop peoples time being wasted, they will not be asked if they wish to pull out. They will be taken to a Villa, wherein they will be taken into a room and Given Riddles. They may call in a freind to help, and they may ask for ONE "Easy Riddle"

When it is over they will be listed in the fastest guess, scored with number of guesses and number of riddles given.

Although no prize can be confirmed yet, I may ask for OM support if the test is successful.


Leaving mid way through format 2 will will result in a DNF score.

Any abuse to those who gice the riddles will result in a /plank or them just walking off.

This event is not supported by OM's.