Talk:Speed hack

From YPPedia

From the article: "Speed hacking worked by tricking the client's Swordfighting puzzle to drop blocks faster than normal. This meant that someone who could not handle the game at all (for example, someone who could not defeat an able non player pirate, or most people with rum sickness) would fill up their screen faster than normal, and die faster." As far as I know, speed hacking is designed to make your blocks drop faster so that you can build combos faster, not so that it kills off people who can't play well. The passage also seems to imply that speed hacking is used to affect the OPPONENT's client, which I'm not sure is accurate. Can someone with a bit more knowledge clarify this? --Darkaardvark 08:39, 11 March 2007 (PDT)

The speed hack speeds up your client side speed, effectively by-passing the server set speed limit. The article is, in fact correct. If you don't know how to play at normal speed well you CANNOT play with the speed hack. Playing with blocks falling a lot faster doesn't make you able to build combos. The hack does not effect opponents. You are correct that the speed hack allows pieces to drop faster, though you need to know how to swordfight well. This, seemingly subtle advantage has a huge advantage in highest tier swordfights. --protoplmz 08:39, 11 March 2007 (PDT)