Talk:Heian Era

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Formatting problems

The use of <br> and <b> should be avoided. For bold text use '''foo'''. Also, avoid adding extra formatting to section headers. The use of ===, for example, should provide formatting consistent with other pages. --Barrister 15:26, 20 February 2006 (PST)

I cleaned it up a bit, in the way of the formatting. I think the wording still needs to be worked on, and some details removed (like all the spankings). I've also noticed that it's not totally written in third person. Airwoman ros 14:28, 22 February 2006 (PST)
Cleaned up. Most of the history was fairly ridiculous and unneeded. Kept base information and rewrote it to sound more wiki-ish and nuetral. --Fannon 14:02, 25 February 2006 (PST)