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"Winner of a Duel in the Whack a Muse event. Ouch! - Thalia" | |
"Winner of the HOS Scavenger Hunt 2007" | |
"Sharktail - A Grand Master Candylicious Pirate!" | |
"Sharktail - 1st place in the 'Trial of Intelligence' Event." | |
"Sharktail - 3rd Place in the 'Hitman' Event!" | |
"For Sharktail, in recognition of a fine job running "Reduce, Reuse, Remodel"! - Gaea, October 2008" | |
"For Sharktail, for his contribution to "101 Uses for a Dead Zombie". Hallowe'en 2008." | |
"Sharktail, congratulations on your entry for "Moon Sheen", October 2008." | |
"Sharktail, congratulations on your Seasonal Trinket Design, November 2008." | |
"Lucky Dip, December 2008" | |
"Lucky Dip, December 2008." | |
"I made this!" | |
"Awarded to Sharktail by Hephaestus in December Doodles '08" | |
"Haiku challenge winner, Valentine's day 2009" | |
"Sharktail, thank you for the spring portrait background! March 2009." | |
"Spank to scary touch, Sharktail. Gin-beer-lily, Shiny Beers. THG, March 2009. | |
"To Sharktail - face down in the soup again. Thanks for the chibi! ~Hypnos" |