Official:Policy/Building Naming Policy

From YPPedia

Building names are one of the more noticeable items in the game, and as a result we have decided that we would like to try and encourage those names to be interesting. We have put together a set of rules for building names to follow, trying to keep them fairly flexible.

Name must meet *all* of the following criteria:

  • Must comply with normal game chat rules in terms of content, language and offensiveness
  • Building names should not imply a different shoppe type (ex: Shipyard Inn would not be acceptable)
  • Building name should be sufficiently different from others on that island so pirates can tell the difference between them.
  • Pirate names are not allowed in building names except when:
    • Used in a sufficiently punny or witty way that makes sense (ex: Pirate named Fairy, building named "Fairy Ales")
    • The name fits exclusive of its being a pirate name (ex: Thanos' Mausoleum fits the Superhero theme)

Disclaimer: Some building name cases may be clear, and others may be borderline. In each case, we will endeavor to apply these rules consistently and without bias. We will amend or clarify the policy if required.

One Oceanmaster will take care of all building name issues to try to keep them consistent. The current OM in charge is: Nemesis

If you own a building that does not follow the above criteria you will be contacted to request a new name or to give further clarification on why your name fits (a cultural reference which was missed, for example.) If a suitable name is not provided, the building will be renamed to something appropriate to the theme of the island.