Official:Antediluvian Conch

From YPPedia


Behold! You are now the proud owner of an Atlantean Conch!


Each owner of an Atlantean conch will be among the first group to receive a map to Atlantis. This map can be used to chart to heretofore unknown waters.

Prepare yourself for the unexpected: Atlantis is a rich kingdom, but its waters are full of new and unimagined dangers!

Following the next release:

  • You will be able to convert your conch into a map
  • Converted conchs will be replaced by the map and a special trophy based on the conch itself
  • You will be able to use the map aboard ship to chart to one of several special locations

Other Maps

Atlantis, a kingdom of untold riches, has been free from the unsavory influence of pirate-kind for too long! Following our next release, keep your eyes peeled for maps to various outposts of the Atlantean realm. These maps will begin to appear shortly after the release, however they will not include the conch or conch trophy.

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