Notorious/Cara Attack

From YPPedia


Community Revolution Taxes Song

Tax their land, Tax their bed, Tax their table At which they're fed.

Tax their work, Tax their pay, They work for peanuts Anyway!

Tax their cow, Tax their goat, Tax their pants, Tax their coat.

Tax their hat, Tax their shirt, Tax their work, Tax their dirt.

Tax their smoke, Tax their drink, Tax them if they Tries to think.

Tax their happiness, Tax their fears, If they cry Tax their tears.

Tax their warbrigs, Tax their sloops, Find other ways To tax their group.

Tax all they have Then let them know That you won't be done Till they has no poe.

When they scream and holler; Then tax them some more, Tax them till They're good and sore.

Then tax their coffins, Tax their graves, Tax the sod in Which they're laid.

Put these words Upon his tomb, Taxes drove them to their doom...'

When their gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax. :P