Event E2/Proposal tigrisiggy

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A small tournament that will include no prizes. This is the registration tournament. The last 16 survivors will be invited to Timberillo's Villa for a final shodown.

Player Profile Timeline
Audience From Grennie to Captain Elapsed time A one day Tournament
Unit of Entry A maximum of 200 players Participant Time One day
Expected Participation Anyone who can be there Judging Time The day of the tournament
Platform Sage Ocean


Event Description

When the 16 players have been chosen, they will be jobbed into a crew and be invited into Timberillo's villa. There will then be a swordfighting tournament with 16 players. 8 players will be eliminated and will recieve a prize of 10k PoE each. The remaining players will then participate in a drinking tournament where 4 players will be eliminated. These eliminated 4 will recieve a trinket each. 4 players will then participate in a treasure drop tournament where 2 players will be eliminated. The eliminated players will win 20k each. The last 2 players will then have a final swordfighting tournament where the loser will walk away with a cutter and the winner will walk away with 150k PoE and a war frigate. Don't worry though this is not then end. After this there will be a tournqment with a sloop and 100k PoE prize money.


Judging will be done by Timberillo


Trinkets, 400k PoE, 3 sloops, a cutter and a War Frigate

Help Required

Volunteer Assistance

None is needed unless ye wish to donate

OM Assistance

None really needed unless they wish to help

Workshop Coaching

None needed


Previous Similar Events

None known


Held tournaments and helped in a few