Event E2/Proposal archimald

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Scorcing drunk Tornament Event
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Pirates play in a mass vagoraty of tournements which include games like: hearts, swordfighting, drinking, and more drinking!

Player Profile Timeline
Audience High experianced Gamblers :) Elapsed time 2-3 1/2 Hours
Unit of Entry Indivisual terams. Every man for himself. Participant Time Each tornement takes about 45 Min.
Expected Participation Limeted 48 for break down. Judging Time Right After final drinking tounement
Platform Sage, Letuce Inn, Ile of Kent


Event Description

First the 48 pirates will play a drinking tournement. Then the 24 winners will go through a sword fighting tournament and the 12 will go into a hearts tounement and the 3 winners will go into another drinking and the winner wins.


The winner of the final drinkling contest is the winner.


Winner gets a Familer of choice. 2&3 get a a trinket

Help Required

Volunteer Assistance

Might need 1 or 2 people to help organize.

OM Assistance


Workshop Coaching

How to make sure, losers dont get into the after tounements? And how get prizws?


Previous Similar Events

Ther have been drinking, hearts and swordfighting tournement but never all in one!


I havnt done any event before.