Catfish Council

From YPPedia
Catfish Council at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Monarch Nephie of Catfish Crew
Member crew(s) Catfish Crew
Founded 8 November, 2006
Dormant as of 15 October, 2008
Favicon.png Flag Info

Catfish Council is a flag on the Viridian Ocean founded in the year 2006 on November 8th.

Public Statement

Ahoy, we are the Catfish Council!

We are the Catfish Council, we may look small but we will grow. Send tells to any royal or monarch to join (you must be rumoured fame or above).

20 members or lower-1 royal (captain) and 2 titled. 40-60 members-2 Royals (captain and first mate) and 3 to 4 titled. 60-90-2 royals (captain and first mate) and 5 titled. 90-110-3 royals (captain, first mate and good SO) and 5-6 titled. 110+ -No specific amount. The royals will decide.

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