
From YPPedia

Atrophy sails the Cobalt Ocean with her mates of Tee Martoonis, under the flag Raiders of the Lost Arch.

Accomplishments and Accolades

  • Captain of Tee Martoonis
  • Princess of Raiders of the Lost Arch


Atrophy was introduced to Puzzle Pirates by Sloshbuckler in early 2005. She started as the pirate Atrocious (as befitting both a pirate's demeanor and odor) on the Midnight Ocean. At first a cautious pirate, and unused to online games, she still was lured by Sloshbuckler's tall tales of the high seas, and subscribed within a few weeks.

Around this time, the Cobalt Ocean was opened. Atrocious left Midnight for this new world, and joined Sweet Pillage and Mayhem (SPAM), where she can still be found to this day.

A few months later, Sloshbuckler decided to start up a new crew, and Atrocious thought it'd be a hoot, but loved her SPAM too much to leave it. As a result, Atrophy was born. She joined up with Slosh's new crew, the Tee Martoonis, which later became part of the flag Raiders of the Lost Arch. She became captain following Sloshbuckler's time at the helm.