
From YPPedia

Pinguinpie once came to Cobalt Ocean to see if the place was cool. He kicked some but in swordfighting but left in silence again. Now Pinguinpie has returned after being dissapeared for 1 year. His swordfighting skills have greatly improved and he got good in running around in a ship and doing good labour whatever he did. He joined the fine crew "Sea Dragons" in which he made great friends and learned a lot.

He set up a nice Iron Monger in which he makes most of his profit.

The captain of the crew asked him if he wanted to help a friend set up a fair Crew. Pinguinpie helped Reginald with his crew and they soon got friends (lol, this story looks like a fairy tail, but whatever). He subscribed, got SO and kicked butte. This is pinguipie's story for now