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Casfetes - (Cas-feh-tez) is a low level pirate, cabin person of the Privateers.


Casfetes hasn't accomplished anything. Anything whatsoever. Perhaps his 4 day banning is an accomplishment? This was the result of calling the user Eno an obscenity. He is quoted in saying, "The 4-day ban was worth it!". Later he was contacted about why he had insulted Eno and he said, "He owned an estate, but all that was in it was bedrolls and slatted crates!"


One could see by taking a look at Casfetes' attire that he is indeed quite the fashionable matey. His normal dress consists of an aqua/yellow striped shirt and aqua striped pants. He has orange/tan fancy buckle shoes. He takes pride in his orange/white turban, which is rumored to house a pheonix familiar. On rare occasion he can be seen wearing a tan/aqua vest and striped shirt.


"How does Sweden not get owned? All they're good for is bank accounts."