Kategorie:Fan art

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Dies ist eine Kategorieseite. Der richtige Weg um Einträge auf dieser Seite hinzuzufügen, ist die Verwendung von [[Kategorie:Fan art]] auf der zu referenzierenden Seite.

These images were all created by members of the Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates community and posted to the forums. All images are sorted by the forum name of the user who created them.

To place an image in this category, add the tag {{Fanart|artistname}} to the bottom of the image's description page, making sure to use the artist's forum account name and not their pirate name. The preferred naming format for fanart images uploaded to the YPPedia is Art-Artistname-filename, where artistname is the forum name of the artist and filename is the original filename given to the artwork.

See also


Diese Kategorie enthält nur folgende Unterkategorie.