
From YPPedia
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ATTENTION: This application is a third party tool.
It has been developed independently by a Puzzle Pirate player(s). It is not created, supported, or endorsed by Three Rings or Grey Havens.
Players use third party tools at their own risk. For a full list of third-party tools, see this category list.
For official rules and regulations regarding the use and acceptable functionality of third-party tools, see this page.



A selection of tools developed as a fan of puzzle pirates, as a passion project.

  • There are no cookies or ads, and is planned to stay that way.
  • It is not a place to find bots or information on them.
  • None of the tools or information there is against the ToS.

Mantid is an alt, on the Emerald Ocean, created for the benefit of playing without the disturbance of managing this site.



- A tool for trying on any attire in the game
  • View all possible appearances of a pirate
  • Try on any item in any colour(s)
  • View the pirate in any stance / orientation
  • Save the image or share a link to the outfit created

Interactive Maps

- Maps with a variety of features: Emerald | Cerulean | Meridian
  • View and search all islands and league points
  • Select an island and see the distances to other islands
  • See populations, governors, natural resources etc
  • Search commodities and see buy/sell prices powered by YARRG
  • Mark league points as known (and/or try the import option)


- View a pirate's trophies in an organised manner
  • Uses the yppedia trophy page as a template for sorting trophies
  • See all trophies available, and what yer missing by reading Yoweb pages
  • See a ranking of pirates that have used the tool (over 2000 pirates searched at the time of writing)
  • See the percentage of pirates that have each trophy (and have used the tool)
  • Create a bookmarkable watchlist of trophies

Rum Calculator

- A rum price comparison tool: Emerald | Cerulean | Meridian
  • Enter the current sell prices at an island to see which is cheaper by alcohol volume
  • or select any island with a market to use the last data available from YARRG

Shipwrightery Planner

- Pause yer game and plan ahead!
  • Paste a screenshot to create a movable board and plan the best moves
  • Good tool for learning, once ye have the puzzle mastered this tool is unnecessary


- Rent price comparison tool: Emerald | Cerulean | Meridian
  • Compare prices by stall/shoppe type, island, population and tax rate

Pirate Time

- Shows current pirate time

Sword Patterns

- Compare drop patterns and see how enamel colours affects them
  • View any sword, change the colour and compare attacks
  • Experiment with custom drop patterns


- View different familiar colours

Egg Designs

- A helper tool for designing eggs for the annual competitions
  • View a selection of past winners
  • Upload a design for an instant approximation of the resulting render

In development

These tools require further testing, please report any bugs ye find

Token counter

- Counts tokens in duty report screenshots
  • Enter a pirates name
  • Upload/paste a screenshot of a duty report with tokens
  • Shows a history for multiple pirate searches / uploads

Contact and External links

Email: site@ypp.mantid.org

Discord: discord.gg/cGrvvvR7vm

Homepage: ypp.mantid.org