Xi Island monument

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The Xi Island monument is located on the peninsula south of Grim Realtor.

Full Text

Xi Island was governed swiftly and justly by the venerable Thanos under the auspices of the flag Crimson Tide.

It was home to these allied crews:
160 in Pirates of the Damned of the flag "Crimson Tide"
111 in Band of the hand of the flag "Crimson Tide"
56 in Sexy Swindlers of the flag "Crimson Tide"
42 in Illuminati of the flag "Crimson Tide"
33 in Gladiators of the flag "Crimson Tide"
26 in Red Russians of the flag "Crimson Tide"
4 in Nights of the Livin Dead of the flag "Crimson Tide"

It was home to these independent crews:
72 in Pirates Of The Carribean of the flag "Blood Wake"
22 in Easily Distracted of the flag "Stand and Deliver"
18 in British Sea Power of the flag "Spaz's Army"
14 in TPNJ - The Pirates of NJ of the flag "Ye Pirates o' New Jersey"
13 in Elite Warriors of the flag "Elite Forces"
9 in Mafia Pirates
8 in The Dead Parrots
7 in Drunken Iguana of the flag "Braindead Buccaneers"
7 in Pi of the flag "Flag Of The Ocean"
6 in Leet Piratez of the flag "Leet Flag"
4 in Crude Cretins of the flag "Blood Brothers"
3 in Carbonite Killers
3 in Olympia of the flag "Friday The Tirteenth"
3 in SushiBoat of the flag "Land of the Rising Sun"