X-Rated Pirates

From YPPedia
X-Rated Pirates at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Captain Magnetism
Senior Officer(s) Fatbottomgal, Koopeldie, Partypants, Piegirl, Rumbrewer, Ralffoxx, Timberland, Vavavoomm
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation X X X
Founded 18 September, 2006
disbanded as of 18 May, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-X-Rated Pirates.jpg

X-Rated Pirates was founded on September 18th, 2006, on the Midnight Ocean. It was passed onto Magnetism on September 19th, 2006.

Public Statement

War is fear cloaked in courage

~~general william westmoreland

Extended public statment

You fancy my pegleg, i noticed you staring, you seem to like it, ye the only one caring. But you see, im happy each way, it's a simple reminder, of me skill in the fray! Written by poet

Welcome to this red hawt crew!

If ye fancy joining us, contact the captain or an officer.

We are here to have fun and make some poe.

We like to pillage and have fun at the same time, all we ask is that you stay on stations during battle. You'll be asked one time to station up and then be planked. This includes crew members.

Crew stalls