
From YPPedia

Oleneestlane is an fleet officer and flirt of the crew Gold Mongers and a member of the flag The Black Spot on the Meridian Ocean, formerly he played the Viridian Ocean.


Oleneestlane was captain of Vice Versa and a lord of RiddleMakers. He was a captain in the Dragon's Nest Navy in the Jade Archipelago and sailed the Viridian Ocean. He has leaded lots of crews (over 80 members) and jobbers always whined when he did not port to get more precious booty. His name comes from the Estonian language, what meant that he is Estonian.

The downfall of Oleneestlane started when he found his passion to poker. He became poker addict selling all his ships and everything to play, drink and to fool around with her lasses. Since then he left his crew, and joined a new one, Gold Mongers, where he currently resides as a fleet officer.