Official:Policy/Building Names

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Building Names must meet *all* of the following criteria:

  • Building names should not imply a different shoppe type than they are (Example: "Shipyard Inn" would not be acceptable nor a tailor named "weavery")
  • Building names should be appropriate to the game. (Example: Buildings should not use offensive words or make inappropriate innuendos.)
  • Building name should be sufficiently different from others on that island so pirates can tell the difference between them.
  • Pirate names are not allowed in building names except when:
    • Used in a sufficiently punny or witty way (ex: Pirate named Moe, building named "Moe Rum Please")
    • The name fits exclusive of its being a pirate name (Example: Thanos' Mausoleum fits the Superhero theme for the island)

If a building name does not meet all of the above criteria, it cannot be used (ex: Apollo's Tailor is not acceptable because it's named after a pirate, even if there were also a crew named "Apollo")

If you find a building name that does not meet the above criteria, please submit a petition in the game including the island, building type and building name. Please note that only one Oceanmaster (currently Nemesis) will be making decisions regarding borderline names to try to keep them consistent.

Help with renames: If you have any questions or are having problems thinking of a good name, please feel free to submit a petition and we will do our best to help!