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Jordomonster is a pirate who can be found playing on the Sage ocean. He is the captain of Kinetic Energy, and currently unnafiliated with any flags


Jordomonster is currently putting into port on Admiral Island where he stays at Ladyjai's Bungalow. He can often be found either at the docks or on the seas. He owns a sloop ported at Isle of Kent. Jordomonster was brought to the game after searching through beta games to test and quickly became an addict by some people's standards.

Tall Tales (yet still true)

Jordomonster is infamous amongst his friends for 4 things:

  1. Defeating 3 people in a PvP with max-max damage and a stick
  2. A winning streak of 14 PvP battles in a row
  3. Killing 8 skellies with another pirate in a skellie fray with odds down to 8-2
  4. His sometimes excessively long pillages

Shoppe and Pet history

Jordomonster once owned an ironworking stall but decided it was best to close down. He currently has 2 pets: a cat named JJ Samson, and a rat named Rat Rat.


Finally getting that pesky Incredible Bilge trophy. Having 2 legendary stats at one time. And getting Legendary battle navigation stat. ultimate Sails.