Halcyon (Emerald)

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Halcyon at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Bochie
Senior Officer(s) Kyutie
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation independent
Founded 19 April, 2006
Last updated on 27 August, 2012
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Halcyon is a crew that sails the Emerald Ocean. The crew is currently independent.


Halcyon was founded on 19 April, 2006 on the Sage Ocean.

Sometime between February and June of 2007 Halcyon left the flag of Les Aristocrates to sail under the banner of Actively Lethargic. By May 2009 the crew had moved to Five Tons of Flax, and later to Don't Even Try.

Public Statement

This is a crew for serious mature people who like to play silly pirate video games.

We are interested in pursuing all aspects of this game to a high level: from socializing, to perfecting puzzling skills, from politics & strategizing to blockading & trading. As a member of Halcyon you should be prepared to lead & follow, listen & teach, laugh & learn.

Promotion Requirements

  • Cabin Person: We recruit at sea after every pillage, simply ask the commanding officer onboard ship. If you have a good work ethic, are respectful of others and act in a mature and friendly fashion then you are welcome to join our crew.
  • Pirate: Need NARROW in Carpenty, Sails, Bilge, and Gunnery. These are 4 basic skills that you need as a Pirate. Having NARROWs mean you have practiced at them.
  • Officer-in-Training (OIT): An officer in training is titled Roustabout. This officer is not allowed to pillage on his/her own. An OIT will be assigned to another officer (a mentor) who will be responsible in the OIT's promotion to full officership. To be an OIT, you need at least 3 Masters in Piracy Skills. The stats alone won't automatically qualify you as an OIT. You have to be mature and responsible as well.
  • Officer: You need at least 3 Masters. You must demonstrate the ability to lead a pillage. You must be approved by your mentor or a senior member of the crew.
  • Fleet Officer: At least 3 Masters. You must gain the trust of the senior members of the crew and demonstrate superior pillaging skill. FOs are expected to help with training and recruiting.
  • Senior Officer: This position is reserved for the most trusted and respected members of the crew. You must have excellent knowledge of game mechanics as well as the social and political situation of the ocean. SOs are expected to contribute to high-end crew and flag activities.