
From YPPedia
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Familiars Won
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Domos Li'l Helper
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OM doll
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Trinket-Demeter doll.png

Named after the character of claymation infamy, Domokun is senior officer of Mildly Amusing, former monarch of The Fox's Luck, and titled member of Honor Above All. Domokun was also one of the first pirates on Sage Ocean to obtain the map and brew trophy, and has gained notoriety as the sole organizer of the Sinkfest events and for his numerous trinket auctions.


Among other achievements, Domokun has;


Click [show] to expand the list of Domokun's trinkets
2007 Daily Doodles
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"Domokun, congratulations on winging a daily doodle, December 2007"
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"Domokun, 4th place in Pop Up Puzzling, August 2007"
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"Awarded to Domokun for his Hades ending world. Brigand King Daily Doodles, 5/25/07"
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"Awarded to Domokun for his haunting poem. Brigand King Daily Doodles, 5/24/07"
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"Domokun makes food scary!"
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"Domokun, 5th place in Avatar Avalance, Tribute ot the Ice Queen, February 2008"
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"Domokun, congratulations on winning high honors in the 2007 "Tricks for Treats" event!
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"Domokun, second place in Rime Time, Tribute to the Ice Queen. February 2008"
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"Domokun, congratulations on your performance of Doodle Bells, December 2007"
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"Signet Ring of the Brigand Kings awarded to Domokun for his depiction of the Widow Queen. 5/20/07"
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"For Domokun, for cutting the seas like jell-o! Happy Holidays, from Glaucus!
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"Domokun, congratulations on winning the third weekend of Doodle, December 2007"
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Colors-trinket-Candy cane.png

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