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Dabloon sails on the Sage Ocean and is currently captain and cartographer of the Ocean Explorers while enjoying his distilling stalls on Wensleydale and Isle of Kent.



Dabloon has sailed on the ocean of Sage since October of 2005. He began sailing with The Goonies early in his pirating career and became quick friends with Vapor, Shiri, Livelychap, Bixley, Blackvixey and Christopheon, along with many others.

In February of 2006, Dabloon became temporary king of The Phantom Fleet after heated debate about the direction of the flag. During this time he helped plan the successful blockade of Amity Island. The difficulty that came to the flag after this blockade resulted in Vapor taking The Goonies out of the flag and the second blockade of Amity.In spite of the sucessful defense, Dabloon was surreptitiously removed by his still good friend, Christopheon, and Livelychap.

At this point he turned to Phanlo, one of the integral organizers in Amity, and joined the crew Ocean Explorers as an officer. At the time Symonds was captain of the crew and co-monarch of Hardcore Explorers with Evilard.

Dabllon quickly became a senior officer pillaging often with the crew and the flag as he continued to pursuit memorization of sage.