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Aeron at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Pirate Aeron
Crew Affiliation Jade Scorpions
Crew Rank Senior Officer
Flag Affiliation Castaway Cove
Flag Rank Lady
Ocean Cobalt
Last updated on 11 December, 2008

Aeron is a senior officer of the crew Jade Scorpions and lady of the flag Castaway Cove on the Cobalt Ocean.


On Cobalt
  • Senior officer and muse of the crew Jade Scorpions.
  • Lady of the flag Castaway Cove.
  • Captain in the Kirin Island Navy in the Jade Archipelago.
  • Former member of the flag Valor.
  • Created the crew Drunken Dragon Rogues, which she later merged with the crew Buccaneer Rogues.
  • Former senior officer of the crew Band of Drunken Rogues.
  • Founding member of the flag Ethereal Rogues.
  • Founding member of the flag Castaway Cove.
On Ice
  • Senior Officer of the crew 'Iced Valorians'.
  • Member of the flag 'Cobalt Valiance'.
  • Sailor in the Eieio Island Navy in the Nenya Archipelago.


On Cobalt

Aeron joined Puzzle Pirates in late 2005, under a different pirate name. Soon after, she joined the Band of Drunken Rogues (who are also known as BoDR for short). She joined this crew as she felt it was a new crew looking to have some fun.

In January 2006, her original character was deleted, and Aeron was born. She rejoined BoDR, which was, at the time, looking to create its own flag. Aeron became a senior officer of the crew, and was a founding member of the new flag, Ethereal Rogues. She also created her own crew Drunken Dragon Rogues.

While the then monarch, Windfinder, took a leave of absence, Aeron stepped in as queen. The change was later made permanent, when Windfinder retired. Aeron eventually merged the Drunken Dragon Rogues with her husband's crew, Buccaneer Rogues.

Later she joined the crew Jade Scorpions, which sailed under the flag of Valor. The Jade Scorpions crew then left to create a new flag, which was called Castaway Cove. Aeron is currently ranked as a senior officer, and titled as a muse of the crew, Jade Scorpions. She is also a founding member, and lady of the flag Castaway Cove. She is also ranked as a captain in the Kirin Island navy in the Jade Archipelago. She currently creates avatars and waits for Cursed Isles trips.

On Ice

Little is known of the history of Aeron on the Ice Ocean. She is currently ranked as a senior officer of the crew Iced Valorians. She is also a member of the flag Cobalt Valiance, and ranked as a sailor in the Eieio Island Navy in the Nenya Archipelago.


Aeron's Avatars

Aeron's avatars

Newest to oldest

Avatar-Redfreckle-sailer000.png Avatar-Redfreckle-casper35.png Avatar-Redfreckle-Armitron23.png Avatar-Redfreckle-monstrzro.png Avatar-Redfreckle-OhFroggyOne.png Avatar-Redfreckle-1Eye.png Avatar-Redfreckle-silentmonk.png Avatar-Redfreckle-Silent Fable.png Avatar-Redfreckle-Ikketje.png Avatar-Redfreckle-lastfarewell.png Avatar-Redfreckle-Sharuka.png Avatar-Redfreckle-Karyn5.png Avatar-Redfreckle-Forumrizzo.png Avatar-Redfreckle-Jelly00Bean.png Avatar-Redfreckle-DarkBucaneer2.png Avatar-Redfreckle-kingrachel.png Avatar-Redfreckle-Chiajedi1.png Avatar-Redfreckle-Malatise.png Avatar-Redfreckle-montell.png Avatar-Redfreckle-Pirate mike3.gif Avatar-Redfreckle-snorts.png Avatar-Redfreckle-Redfreckle.png Avatar-Redfreckle-DarkBucaneer1.png Avatar-Redfreckle-Ghostbeard.png Avatar-Redfreckle-CaptManta.png Avatar-Redfreckle-Chiajedi.png