Mass Pirating

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Mass Pirating at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Ninjacow
Senior Officer(s)
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation
Founded 12 April, 2007
Disbanded as of 8 January, 2008
Favicon.png Crew Info

Mass Pirating was a crew on the Viridian Ocean that was founded in the year 2007 on April 12th.

Public Statement

We have fun and laze around alot, but when there comes a time and the urge to pillage comes up, all hell breaks loose. We are the Mass Pillaging Pirates

Extended Public Statement

To Be Part Of The Crew:

1. You must be willing to lend your services to help the crew

2. Stay active. why join a crew and never play the game.


--Cabin Person-- Just ask any officer.

--Pirate-- To be a Pirate just make sure you have the Pirate Badge to the game - easy! Just tell an officer or higher yer needs and it will be done.

--Officer In Training-- To be an Officer in Training (OiT) ye must have all broads in piracy (rumble and battle navigation excepted). Along with the needed Badge

--Officer-- To be an officer ye must have completed officer training. Simple!! Also, ye must own a ship cause sometimes the owners aren't always online.

--Fleet Officer-- To be a Fleet Officer ye must have all piracy stats on Solid and be repected or higher. Ye must pass a fleet officer test and own you own your ship. Ye must also recruit new crew members so we'll be more well known.

--Senior Officer-- To be Senior Officer yer B-nav needs to be Master and need to be on the crew awhile so you are known and willing to train officers.

All promotions are given by the Captain (Ninjacow). If you tell an officer or above yer promotion needs then they will patch it through to me. Also, If you are a certain rank in a crew already, when you decide to join mine, you may be able to bypass some of the promotion specifications depending on the crew ye came from.

~*~ Code of Conduct (rules)~*~

-(1)- Always ask permission before boarding a ship at sea by using the /crew chat. Permission To Board (PTB).

-(2)- You MUST obey all orders of the ship's commanding officer.

-(3)- Never leave a ship involved in sea battle (except a real life obligation arises). If done you will recieve -1 for poe division.

-(4)- Be respectful of your fellow crewmates and any other pirates you may interact with. They are people, so treat them as such.