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Jessoleil started her piratey life as a member of Sealords of Sage in the flag Imperial Rednecks. There, she started learning the fine art of Sea Monster Hunt XO'ing with her Naver Littlemike. After teaming up with Zorrofini and Littlemike, the three of them left Sealords to form their own crew, Krakken's Wrath, and then subsequently, the flag Midknight Sun. There, Jessoleil was a Senior Officer and Princess, and was content to run monster hunts and pilly her heart out. Soon after, Zorrofini took a break, and Littlemike started his own SMH Crew, so Jessoleil stepped up and took over Captain and Queen. Since the founding members weren't around anymore, she didn't feel right about keeping the crew name, so she changed it to Endless Dawn. From there, the crew has grown, and gotten into the fun that is blockading. Within recent months, Jess decided to merge her crew into her mate Belt's crew, so that she could focus on politiks and running a successful fun flag. Since merging, Jess has been working on her flag, and has even taken an island, Wissa. More often than not, Jess can be found on a CI with her crewmates, or standing at the Admiral dock Zzz'ing.

The Randoms...

  • Seahorse Familiar named Moongazer, a gift from Littlemike for being his constant XO.
  • Monkey Familiar named Buttercup... Because it's a fun name
  • On June 3, 2010, Jess pulled her first ever fami, a Lav/Navy snake for Foraging, which she promptly named Isis.
  • On June 22, 2010, Jess pulled another snake for Foraging, a Purple/Lav one which she named Osiris, which can be seen perched on Belt's shoulder.
  • On July 9, 2010, Jess pulled another snake, Indigo/White for Carping.
  • Owner of Blue Suede Shoes on Cara