
From YPPedia

Direwookiee is a relatively new player on the Midnight Ocean(she can't remember when she joined; either 2007 or 2008). Her two pirates are Dire (her main) and Calamitous (who she very rarely uses). She floundered about as a crew-less greenie until one day, she took a job that would change her (online) life forever: jobbing on a ship crewed by the Floating Brick's. Despite the grammatical error in their name, she soon became very fond of the members of the illustrious Brick's and (very politely, of course) asked to be a permanent member. They obliged, and made Dire leap about like a little schoolgirl.

Home: Creole Cabin, Lagniappe Island. Dire also owns a Lava Shack on Hephaestus' Forge; she couldn't part with her starting shack and keeps it in some futile hope of a resale price drastically rising.

Pets:Dinnesdale (dog), and Chewbacca (rat)

Ship:Dire currently owns the Reserved Roach, a swoop currently moored at Namath Island. She is still too afraid to take it out.

Crew:Officer in Floating Brick's of the flag Mystic.

Despite her ego and the successful tone of this entry, Dire remains a relatively poor pirate due to her magical ability to lose money as soon as she gains it.

Gambling is bad, kids.