
From YPPedia
drop pattern
Minimum delivery cost (doubloons) N/A Decay rate N/A

The backsword is one of the two special items that can be obtained from the box edition of Puzzle Pirates. The other is the savvy hat.

This item cannot be traded or placed in a trade window (for example, to show a friend the drop pattern). Also the backsword cannot be placed in a sword rack. It does not age. Pirates who do not have the box edition may never own a backsword. Pirates who do own the box edition can only obtain one backsword per pirate. Additionally, if a pirate chooses the savvy hat they forfeit the option to obtain the backsword on that particular pirate.

According to Cleaver, the backsword's drop pattern is just okay.[1]

To claim the backsword, register the key code from the box edition of Puzzle Pirates on the account page[2]. From then on, any pirates created under that account will have a new mission called "Claim your inheritance." Select that mission and follow the instructions to claim either the backsword or savvy hat. When the backsword is selected, a randomly-colored backsword is placed in the pirate's Booty panel.

The backsword shares its pattern with the battle axe and corsair blade.

Pattern overview

Note: Previewing the non-reversed version. Reversing the sword mirrors the pattern.

Sprinkle attack
Sprinkle board.png
Middle Strike
Middle strike board.png
Corner Strike
Corner strike board.png
Swordfight Attack smallSprinkle.png
A small sprinkle attack
Swordfight Pattern smallSprinkle Backsword.png
Swordfight Attack smallStrike.png
A small strike (2x4)
Swordfight Pattern smallStrike Backsword.png
Swordfight Attack smallDual.png
A small dual strike (2x4 + 2x4)
Swordfight Pattern smallDual Backsword.png
Swordfight Attack mediumSprinkle.png
A medium sprinkle attack
Swordfight Pattern mediumSprinkle Backsword.png
Swordfight Attack mediumStrike.png
A medium strike (2x6)
Swordfight Pattern mediumStrike Backsword.png
Swordfight Attack mediumDual.png
A medium dual strike (2x6 + 2x6)
Swordfight Pattern mediumDual Backsword.png
Swordfight Attack bigSprinkle.png
A massive sprinkle attack
Swordfight Pattern bigSprinkle Backsword.png
Swordfight Attack bigStrike.png
A massive strike (2x12)
Swordfight Pattern bigStrike Backsword.png
Swordfight Attack bigDual.png
A massive dual strike (2x12 + 2x12)
Swordfight Pattern bigDual Backsword.png
Sword Damage

Note: Greatly varies based on board state

Single sword (small)

Swordfight Damage Small Strike.pngSwordfight Pattern Damage smallStrike Backsword.png

Middle Duals (small)

Swordfight Damage Small Middle.pngSwordfight Pattern Damage smallMiddle Backsword.png

Corner Duals (small)

Swordfight Damage Small Corner.pngSwordfight Pattern Damage smallCorner Backsword.png

Single sword (big)

Swordfight Damage Strike.pngSwordfight Pattern Damage Strike Backsword.png

Middle Duals (big)

Swordfight Damage Middle.pngSwordfight Pattern Damage Middle Backsword.png

Corner Duals (big)

Swordfight Damage Corner.pngSwordfight Pattern Damage Corner Backsword.png


According to Wikipedia, the term backsword does not describe a specific sword but instead denotes any sword with only a single edge. For example, a machete is a type of backsword, as is the Japanese katana. The backsword instead resembles a Scottish broadsword, which can be both single- and double-edged.

Sword Swords
Battle axe | Backsword | Cleaver | Corsair blade | Cutlass | Dadao | Dirk | Falchion | Foil | Katana | Long sword

Poniard | Rapier | Saber | Sanguine Blade | Scimitar | Short sword | Skull dagger | Spectral sword | Stick | Stiletto | Trident

See also: Swordfighting | Drop pattern | Brawl