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Aatank is the captain of the crew Art of War. He began the game on the Sage Ocean on November 22, 2005. He joined the Swashbucklers of Sage and worked his way up to senior officer and titled member of the flag Notorious. He left Swashbucklers of Sage to create The Imperial Crusaders. He joined Notorious as a prince and helped to win the Isle of Kent. After his crew folded, he remade it and created the flag Eternal Glory, with his beloved friends Skymike and Laccie. Eternal Glory was one of the strongest flags to ever be made in such a short period of time and within 3 weeks, won their first island. After a dormant period, Aatank resumed play and created the crew Art of War and rejoined Eternal Glory as prince. He also won his first familiar (Mogley) on Sage, in a swordfight tournament on 10/19/06. Aatank currently is the captain of Art of war and prince of Eternal Glory.

Contributions & Achievements

  • Current captain of Art of War
  • Current prince of Eternal Glory
  • Former king of Eternal Glory
  • Former captain of Imperial Crusaders
  • Former prince of Notorious
  • Former senior officer of Swashbucklers of Sage