De YPPedia
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/* edit this file to customize the monobook skin for the entire site */ /* Test of new link colors */ /* <pre> */ a { /*Unvisited links*/ text-decoration: none; color: #0033cc; background: none; } a:visited { /*Visited links*/ color: #0033cc; } a:active { /*Active links*/ color: #666600; } a:hover { /*Hovering links*/ color: #666600; text-decoration: underline; } a:stub { /*Stubs?*/ color: #CC2200; } a:new, #p-personal a:new { /*Unvisited blind links*/ color: #CC2200; }, #p-personal { /*Visited blind links*/ color: #CC2200; } #bodyContent a.external { /*All external links*/ color: #0033cc; } /* */ /****************************/ /* Begin User Section */ /****************************/ /* Here begin the alterations to subtly alter the appearance of user pages to distinguish them from the main namespace */ .ns-2 * #content { /*User space*/ border: 5px double; /* 4 pixel wide double lines */ border-color: #aaaaaa; /* grey border */ } .ns-3 * #content { /*User talk space*/ border: 5px double; /* 4 pixel wide double lines */ border-color: #aaaaaa; /* grey border */ } /**************************/ /* End User Section */ /**************************/ /* Put a checker background at the image description page only visible if the image has transparent background */ #file img {background: url("") repeat;} /**************************/ /* Box hiding thingy */ /**************************/ div.Boxmerge, div.NavFrame { margin: 0px; padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; text-align: center; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 100%; } div.Boxmerge div.NavFrame { border-style: none; border-style: hidden; } div.NavFrame + div.NavFrame { border-top-style: none; border-top-style: hidden; } div.NavPic { background-color: #ffffff; margin: 0px; padding: 2px; float: left; } div.NavFrame div.NavHead { height: 1.6em; font-weight: bold; font-size: 95%; background-color: #efefef; position:relative; } div.NavFrame p { font-size: 100%; } div.NavFrame div.NavContent { font-size: 100%; } div.NavFrame div.NavContent p { font-size: 100%; } div.NavEnd { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; line-height: 1px; clear: both; } a.NavToggle { position:absolute; top:0px; right:3px; font-weight:normal; font-size:smaller; } #coordinates { position:absolute; z-index:1; border:none; background:none; right:30px; top:3.7em; float:right; margin:0.0em; padding:0.0em; line-height:1.5em; text-align:right; text-indent:0; font-size:85%; text-transform:none; white-space:nowrap; } /* For positioning stuff at the top-right, used in Templates "Featured article header" and for language links */ div.topicon { position:absolute; z-index:100; top:10px; display: block !important; } /* </pre> */