War brig-Galley.xml

From YPPedia

This page contains XML from a scene from a ship in Puzzle Pirates. This XML can be used by Yohoho Tools, a scene editor program for Puzzle Pirates, to help pirates plan and create custom furniture arrangements without spending PoE or causing furniture decay in-game. To use this data in Yohoho Tools, select the XML below, paste it into a text editor (simple ones such as Notepad++ work), save it as 'War brig-Galley.xml', and open that file with Yohoho Tools. The XML you need to select is everything from the leading <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> tag to the ending </scene> tag, inclusive.

Download XML

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<scene name="Galley" version="1" type="vessel">
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