Fly Away Scorpions

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Fly Away Scorpions at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Captain Yeworst
Senior Officer(s) Captaintoad Phoenxking Pogosticka
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Victory Raiders
Founded 30 November, 2007
disbanded as of 18 May, 2009

Flay Away Scorpions was a fine growing crew sailing on the Midnight Ocean with Yewerst as the Leader and Captain .


Fly Away Scorpions was founded on November 30 year 2007 by Yeworst.

The crew joined the flag Victory Raiders.


  1. Yeworst (November 2007-Present)

Public Statement

Ahoy and welcome to the Fly Away Scorpions We be a small fast growing crew. if ye would like to join us in our pillaging ways then send a tell to any officer. We offer crew sloops to those withought.

Crew Articles

  1. Use PTB (Permission To Board) before boarding a ship at sea, some people may not want yer help or it be a comod run.
  2. Respect ranks higher than ye self, only by doing this can ye earn a promotion.
  3. Allways ask before using a ship that aint fer crew use.